Ian Milligan's "History in the Age of Abundance? How the Web is Transforming Historical Research"
Ian Milligan is a Professor at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. He is also the Associate Vice-President, Research and Oversight Analysis for UW's Office of Research. Milligan's research focuses Canadian history, particularly social movements in Canada, and Digital history, looking closely at the history of the Internet. Milligan has authored three books, one of which is the topic of discussion in this blog post, and has been a part of a plethora of other projects that revolve around digital history. Milligan's History in the Age of Abundance? How the Web is Transforming Historical Research has a few central claims and objectives. Perhaps the most pressing is that modern historians will have a vastly different source base than our predecessors. Milligan highlights the explosion of born-digital primary sources, and how these digital sources have their pros and cons. While Milligan encourages the wider use of born-digital sources and w...